Qualicum Fire Sparked by man Burning Weeds

Jun 27, 2016 | 3:14 PM

What seemed like minor yard work turned into a serious fire in Qualicum Beach.

It happened on Hawthorne Rise Sunday night when Qualicum Beach Fire Department Chief Darryl Kohse says a man was using a torch to burn weeds in his yard.

However, he says, his hedge caught fire, and the flames then spread to his neighbour’s roof.

“What’s problematic with these fires is a lot of the hedges are very flammable and when the ignition source comes into contact with them, they just take off like a rocket,” said Kohse.

“They’re hard to get under control. Word to the wise, stay away from the Tiger Torches and keep them away from your hedges.”

The man who caused the fire has burns to his arms and was taken to Nanaimo Hospital.

Kohse says this is the third and most serious fire this year in Qualicum Beach which caused property damage because of torches igniting hedges.

“Ultimately it burns up the hedge and it does create a lot of property damage as well.”

The homeowners are not there for the time being as insurance adjusters assess the damage.