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Customer Feedback and Contact Information

Pattison Media Ltd. (“PML”) is committed to providing excellent customer service and welcomes customer input (which may include comments, questions and/or complaints) to improve the accessibility of our services.

This feedback may be submitted in person, by telephone, in writing or by delivering an electronic text by email, on diskette or otherwise. Please include your name, telephone number and any alternate contact information in your correspondence.

Customers who wish to provide feedback regarding the manner in which PML provides services to persons with disabilities may contact our company President, Mr. Rod Schween:

By telephone: (250) 372-3322

By e-mail: Rod.Schween@pattisonmedia.com

By regular mail: 460 Pemberton Terrace, Kamloops, British Columbia V2C1T5

Attention: Rod Schween, President
Pattison Media Ltd.

In person: Please visit the PML reception desk at any of our station locations.