Water Cooler: Sidewalk snow removal, comments regarding Hib vaccine program
NANAIMO — The Water Cooler is NanaimoNewsNOW’s letters to the editor-style segment, featuring conversations about the news in Nanaimo and Oceanside.
This week’s feature deals with the responsiblities of property owners in Nanaimo to clear sidewalks in front of their homes or businesses, as well as comments on a story about Haemophilus influenza type B disease (Hib) and it’s impact on those experiencing homelessness.
Tristan S., Nanaimo: While I understand the benefits of clearing sidewalks, particularly for those with mobility issues, I strongly disagree with placing the onus on the residents to clear sidewalks. If the sidewalk is cracked, and someone trips, isn’t that the responsibility of the city to maintain the sidewalk, or are they saying I should repair the pavement as well?
If a streetlight goes out in front of a home, are residents responsible for buying new bulbs? And if I am responsible for the sidewalk in from of my home, can I paint it bright rainbow colours, or put political slogans on it? Is it mine or not? Expecting residents to clear up the ice and slush that the city contractors plow on to sidewalks is unreasonable, and other jurisdictions have lost court cases to residents who have argued that it is up to the city to maintain the sidewalks in all cases, since they are city property and not the resident’s.