Avel Turnip

Oct 9, 2018 | 2:14 PM

NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited. 

Biography: I am 28 years old, I grew up in Shawnigan Lake, Victoria and I’ve lived in Nanaimo for 4 years which is the place I now call home. I am a Health Care Assistant for Island Health and have worked in areas all over the hospital from several areas in Acute care to Residential Care. I have been an off road advocate for many years organizing community clean ups and events. I started the “Action Against Discontent City’ movement, trying to find solutions and provide awareness to the real situation and problems we are facing in Nanaimo.

Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being councillor/mayor?

I believe the most important duty in the role of councillor is advocating for the various communities in Nanaimo, making sure the citizens voices are heard and that their best interests are always looked out for. Councillors are representatives of Nanaimo, elected by the citizens of Nanaimo and always have to be mindful of that. Whether it is social resources, housing, environment or financial awareness and frugality.

Question 2: Describe your vision for Nanaimo beyond the next four years

My vision for Nanaimo over the next four years is broken down a bit based on the priorities of our city, we need to address the homeless situation in a more complete strategy that brings immediate solutions for cold weather shelters till more permanent solutions can be initiated. We need  social resources in our city such as; Mental health and addictions, more thorough employment assistance, social reintegration are a few of the things I’d like to see in this city. Adjustments to law enforcement is another priority to myself and my slate. The law enforcement situation needs to be really investigated to establish the most effective solution as there is a lot of room for improvement.

Question 3: If you were mkaing a list of your top three strategic priorities for the incoming Council to focus on over the next four years, what would they be and why?

Housing, this is a really big concern for our community, the housing crisis affects everyone. Psychosocial rehabilitation, this addresses our social resources, prevention of addiction such as employment programs, reintegration programs, mental health and addictions and family and single support. Child and youth services are severely lacking in our city and there are no Youth shelters and facilities. Law enforcement has also become a major concern to much of our community and needs looking into and perhaps a new approach to the law enforcement better suited to Nanaimo and it’s growing population.

Question 4: What is your strategy for dealing with the intense pressure and scrutiny placed upon elected officials, especially from those who may not agree with your decisions or viewpoints?

Well as everyone may know I am running in this election on a slate with Conrad Peach, there is nobody better suited to deal with intense pressure and scrutiny placed upon officials than the two of us as we have been functioning under it since long before this election. Besides that, my career has taught me how to function under intense pressure and scrutiny, with nursing there is never a dull moment and the secret is mindfulness and meditation. Together, Let’s Make Nanaimo Safe Again.

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