Aerial view of the Critical Care components at NRGH (ICU and HAU), located adjacent to the Nanaimo hospital emergency room. (NDHF)
Community advocacy

Fundraising complete for Critical Care components of Nanaimo hospital

Oct 24, 2024 | 1:58 PM

NANAIMO — About a year after launching a campaign to help bolster ongoing critical care projects at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, the money has arrived.

The Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation (NDHF) announced this week the successful phase two campaign to raise money to provide equipment for the High Acuity Unit (HAU), which is currently under construction.

Foundation CEO Barney Ellis-Perry commented on a combined commitment of $3 million to support the Intensive Care Unit (opened last summer) and the pending HAU from Windsor Plywood Foundation.

“We were all a bit stunned, because it’s, as we know of, the largest gift in recent history in this community period. And it’s definitely the largest gift in the history of the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.”

In March of last year, the province committed funds to help cover capital expenses for the 12-bed HAU, which is expected to open next year.

In total, Ellis-Perry said their fundraising efforts generated about $10.5 million to help outfit the ICU and HAU units.

He said 5,000 donors stepped to the plate, from a youth selling baked goods in Nanoose Bay to service clubs and corporate pledges.

He said the ICU and HAU will be formally known as Windsor Plywood Critical Care Unit.

“The central Island is a passionate community and when you give people a challenge they come together in a really meaningful way and they want to make change, they want to make things better,” Ellis-Perry told NanaimoNewsNOW.

While more details will be released in the near future, Ellis-Perry said their upcoming Winter Giving campaign will focus on raising funds to purchase a second cutting-edge scanning device at NRGH.

He said the state-of-the-art imaging tool offers a more clear 3D profile of patients, including those with heart and cancer ailments.

More information on the NDHF, including ways to conveniently donate online, can be found on the non-profit organization’s website linked here.

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