‘Really good news:’ donations soar to bolster future High Acuity Unit at NRGH
NANAIMO — Known for rallying behind important causes, the mid-Island community stepped up during
a single-day campaign to back the Nanaimo hospital.
Nearly $245,000 was raised during Giving Tuesday last week, well beyond the goal of $100,000.
“That was an ambitious goal for us, it was only our second Giving Tuesday…the phones had been literally ringing off the hook, our online system even had a little bit of a meltdown,” said Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation (NDHF) CEO Barney Ellis-Perry.
The higher than expected total allows hospital administrators to buy five specialized critical care patient beds for the dozen-bed High Acuity Unit (HAU) at NRGH, which is expected to open next year.