Water Cooler: Front St. ‘puzzle’, cost of vet care in Nanaimo & Westwood Lake
NANAIMO — The Water Cooler is NanaimoNewsNOW’s letters to the editor-style segment, featuring conversations about the news in Nanaimo and Oceanside.
This week’s feature discusses nearly-complete upgrades to Front St. in downtown Nanaimo, the rising cost of vet care and parking plans for Westwood Lake.
P. Walton, Nanaimo: The story about Front Street “upgrades” – using that term loosely – states the following: “The largest piece of the puzzle still missing are new traffic control systems at the Front St. and Church St. intersection.” Puzzle is an excellent metaphor for this situation.
For anyone now trying to navigate Front Street, on foot, by bicycle, or motorized vehicle, it is like doing a puzzle. Or perhaps running an obstacle course. As well, it’s puzzling as to why this “upgrade” was done. It’s yet another classic case of technocrats who just have to fix things that ain’t broke. While the rest us of find our use and enjoyment of Front Street now decreased (as our annual tax bill is increased), someone at city hall thinks they’ve made some sort of improvement.