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Nearly 75 players are participating in the 2020 season for Nanaimo Minor Softball. The program is focused on drills to start with scrimmages expected to be allowed in the later half of July. (Dan Marshall)
Diamond Back

Nanaimo minor softball returns, semi-competitive scrimmages on the horizon

Jul 9, 2020 | 7:41 PM

NANAIMO – The return to play for Nanaimo Minor Softball has been as much about putting smiles on kids faces as developing skills.

NMSA Equipment and Uniform Director Dave Poystila said it’s been a long wait for the players to get back on the field.

“Everyone is just happy to be out there touching the ball, hitting the ball and playing catch with their friends. It’s been a long time waiting for them.”

Currently the two hour sessions for the U-10 to U-19 age groups are centered around drills in hitting, throwing or catching.

A night of drills for Nanaimo Minor Softball at the Beban sports fields

Excitement is also building over a newly approved initiative approved by Softball BC called Inning Three.

Eventually the program will allow for scrimmages and modified intra-club games.

The final step will be to have modified games between clubs in neighbouring communities although there is no timeline for when that may happen.

Putting in all the required cleaning and social distancing requirements wasn’t easy for the NMSA.

The commitment and manpower needed to get players on the field amid COVID-19 restrictions is a factor is why some other associations haven’t returned to play this summer.

Oceanside is offering a twice weekly skill development camp in July while Ladysmith won’t be running their minor softball program this summer.

Poystila said it’s important for the athletes to get back to competition but has seen the nearly 75 softball participants embrace the idea of skill development instead of games.

Scrimmages at the Beban sports fields could be added as soon as mid-July and Poystila said the season will likely wrap up for the year by the middle of August.


On twitter: @danmarshall77