B.C. university creates institute to take microscope-telescope view of pandemic
VICTORIA — The COVID-19 pandemic has placed the world at a tipping point that’s challenging social, political, economic and environmental structures, says the director of a new academic research institute at British Columbia’s Royal Roads University.
Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon said Monday the pandemic is an event with the power to cause those structures to fall like dominos or shift radically to new paths.
“I don’t think people for the most part have recognized the reality of this factor of the possibility of tipping events,” he said at a news conference. “But now we’ve all experienced it together over the recent weeks and have much more familiarity with what it means.”
Canadian-born Homer-Dixon, an author who researches threats to global security and has previously taught at the universities of Toronto and Waterloo, was introduced as the director of the newly created Cascade Institute at the university.