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Small groups of students in Take-A-Hike classrooms work on schedules suited to their needs with tangible results. (submitted/Take a Hike)
Take a hike

Specialized classroom program in Nanaimo seeing great success

Mar 15, 2020 | 6:54 AM

NANAIMO — In six months a specialized mental health and education program has helped Nanaimo students turn their lives around.

The Take a Hike program, run in the former Woodlands Secondary School, offers students between Grade 10 and 12 more intimate classrooms with counselors and weekly excursions to explore nature in the area.

Of the 15 students who started their school year in early September in the program, CEO Gordon Matchett told NanaimoNewsNOW almost all are now attending school full-time.

“Once students get a taste of that family atmosphere and the support they need to focus on their academic studies, it really does start to turn them around.”

One student, who before was barely attending classes, recently aced her provincial math exam with a perfect score.

Support for the program from the community has grown alongside the confidence of the students, with Take a Hike receiving a $300,000 donation from Coast Capital Savings.

The money will help all existing Take a Hike classrooms and future developments.

Matchett said they have the admittedly ambitious goal of being in every B.C. school district.

“As we get funding, we’ll be opening up new programs that will likely have very quick results, just like we’ve seen in Nanaimo.”

Nearly 100 per cent of Take a Hike students graduate from a B.C. classroom.


On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit