‘It just makes total sense:’ Nanaimo firefighters poised to receive enhanced medical training
NANAIMO — Firefighters in Nanaimo are in line for increased training to boost their ability to help patients during pre-hospital care.
City councillors endorsed spending roughly $66,000 as part of next year’s budget to allow Nanaimo Fire Rescue (NFR) personnel to receive enhanced emergency medical responder care (EMR), up from the current first responder designation.
The spending request was unanimously approved at the Wednesday, Aug 13 finance and audit committee meeting, while the initiative will be rolled into upcoming 2020 budget discussions.
NFR assistant fire chief Jodi Le Masurier said their members responded to 9,500 medical related calls between 2015 and 2018. She said NFR arrived on scene before paramedics for 77 per cent of those incidents.