Incoming UVic student Elise Coates earned an $80,000 scholarship for her dedication and passion to saving the ocean. (University of Victoria)
STEM Scholarship

Nanaimo grad earns large STEM scholarship to help save the ocean

Aug 23, 2019 | 7:19 AM

NANAIMO — A passion for the ocean and how to save it from the increasing number of microplastics found choking the water has earned a recent Nanaimo graduate a substantial scholarship.

Elise Coates, who graduated from Wellington Secondary School, is a recipient of the $80,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship for science. She’s pursuing an Earth and Oceans Sciences degree as well as a physics degree at the University of Victoria this fall.

“You often see how the bigger plastics affect the ocean but I’m really interested in how the micro-plastics affect the ocean. I’m really interested in seeing if I can pursue something that can help me figure out that problem and help solve it.”

Her passion for the ocean was fostered through a love of sea otters while growing up in the Canadian Prairies.

“When I moved out here in Grade 7 I wanted to do as much as I could with the ocean,” she said. “It’s what I fell in love with. I find how the ocean works as a system is so unique and bio-diverse. It blows me away.”

In high school, Coates volunteered with the Sea Shore program to inspire a younger generation’s fascination with the ocean and the diverse species within.

She is one of only 50 candidates across Canada who receive the scholarship out of the 1,500 nominated.

The Schulich Leader Scholarship is the largest STEM scholarship in Canada. It covers all expenses for students so they can focus on their intensive studies.

On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit