Several sightings were made of this black bear on Protection Island on Sunday, May 19. (Joanne Leslie/Facebook)
Lost his bearings

‘It’s extremely rare:’ bear roams Protection Island

May 22, 2019 | 8:16 AM

NANAIMO — Conservation officers are tracking the whereabouts of a black bear which made rare visits to Protection and Newcastle Islands.

Stuart Bates of the BC Conservation Officer Service said numerous bear sightings were made on Protection Island Sunday before it presumably swam elsewhere.

The bear is believed to be the same one which delayed a BC Ferry sailing on Saturday as it swam from the Stephenson Point area to Newcastle Island right in the path of a ferry.

“If the opportunity presents itself we will capture the bear and move it out to the forest. its done nothing to warrant its destruction.” Stuart Bates

Bates said a black bear paying a visit to the two islands is “extremely rare” and hasn’t occurred in his 10 years as a Nanaimo-based conservation officer. To his recent memory, bears have swam to Gabriola and Jesse Islands.

The bear appeared to be a young adult male weighing from 250 to 300 lbs. Bates said it could have been feeding or searching for a female mate.

After the sightings, advice was given to the several Protection Island residents who saw the bear.

“It is still a legal requirement for people to secure all of their attractants such as garbage, bird seed is a big attractant, pet food, dirty barbecues and compost bins.”

Last July, Nanaimo RCMP shot and killed a cougar at the Nanaimo Yacht Club docks, which was believed to be the same big cat roaming Newcastle Island for several days prior.

Anyone who sees wildlife and believes public safety is at risk is asked to call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.

“The sooner you call us and let us know there’s a bear in the area the more options we have and we can deal with the attractant that has the bear there in the first place,” Bates said.
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