‘Put Alberta first:’ MP Jason Kenney pitches his leadership to unite the right
CALGARY — MP Jason Kenney thrust uniting the right to the front burner of Alberta politics Wednesday as he pledged to use a run at the Progressive Conservative leadership to bring together small-c conservative voters to defeat the NDP.
The high-profile former federal cabinet minister said it’s imperative that the Alberta Tories and Opposition Wildrose put past differences aside if they are to take back power from Rachel Notley’s “accidental NDP government.”
“There is only one way to eliminate that risk, only one way to ensure that we defeat the NDP in 2019 and get Alberta back on the right track. And that is to unite Albertans around a common cause,” he told supporters Wednesday.
“The Progressive Conservatives and Wildrose parties must put Alberta first. We must focus on the future, not the past, on what unites us, not what divides us.