Don Bonner
NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited.
Biography: I was born in Victoria and spent most of my life in Nanaimo. A business owner for the last 21 years and prior to that was an active union member. I’m a proud member of the Algonquin Nation and active in present day treaty negotiations. President of the United Way for 7 years on the board for 12 years. Board member of the Nanaimo Chamber for the last 4 years, Rotarian for 21 years and President twice and volunteered in Ethiopia immunizing children and clean water projects. I have been a member of the City of Nanaimo Grants Advisory Committee for 7 years. I have has spent the last four years following council, going to meetings and making presentations. I was also spokesperson for No Vote 2017, founding member of OurNanaimo and Administrator and founding member of the Facebook group A Better Nanaimo.
Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being a councillor/mayor?
The role of council is laid out in law with the Community Charter. Councils address the needs, both present day and future, of their community by making collective decisions which are set out in bylaws and resolutions. As councillors we must look out for the interests and well-being of the people in our community. We need to review bylaws, the Official Community Plan, hire an employee to run the city corporation, set a balanced 5-year budget each year, set tax rates to accommodate that budget. As a level of government, we need to have good working relationships with the Nanaimo Port Authority, School Board, Nanaimo Airport, neighbouring municipalities and with our neighbour nations Snuneymuxw First Nation and Snaw-naw-as First Nation.