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Nanaimo’s extreme weather shelter opening for the summer

Jul 4, 2018 | 11:09 AM

NANAIMO — There will be more beds available for those experiencing homelessness in Nanaimo.

The Unitarian Shelter announced their doors at 595 Townsite Rd. will be open from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. until the end of summer. They normally open in November and close at the end of March to provide a bed for those in need during the winter.

Shelter executive director Lois Peterson said offering 30 beds a night will hopefully ease the burden placed on other shelters and services grappling with the ongoing homelessness crisis.

“When you look at the few shelter situations that are available over the summer, they’re all full up. The priority is providing overnight respite housing for people who need it.”

A recent homeless count in Nanaimo figured there was between 315 and 400 people considered absolutely homeless, up dramatically from the roughly 175 in 2016.

As of a most recent headcount, there’s roughly 200 people living in downtown Nanaimo’s tent city, established to protest a lack of housing in the Harbour City.

“I’ve certainly noticed a difference on the street with tent city, but I also see that there’s still a lot of familiar faces living rough,” Peterson said.

Anyone who attends the shelter will receive two meals, laundry service and a place to lay their head.

“They can expect the same kind of welcome they would get any other time of the year at Unitarian Shelter,” Peterson said.

The plan to open the shelter for the summer came together quickly, in the last month. It’s funded by BC Housing and the Federal Homelessness Partnering Strategy.



On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit