‘Everyone working together:’ over 15,000 shelter spaces used in Nanaimo during winter months
NANAIMO — Shelter and warming centres across the mid-Island were kept very busy this winter, with over 15,000 visits through the year’s coldest months.
The start of November through the end of March typically sees the highest demand for services for those unhoused in the region, including a number of temporary shelter spaces being opened for short stretches of colder weather.
While each service provider tallies their numbers a little differently, it was clear available services were at capacity over the cold winter months. Most facilities also counted visits instead of individual people, meaning the same person visiting for two nights would count as two people.
A March 2020 point in time count revealed at least 425 people were living unsheltered in Nanaimo, up roughly 25 per cent from 2018. An updated count is scheduled for the end of April.