Quebec says coercive strategy working to increase vaccination among health workers
MONTREAL — Quebec’s coercive strategy to get more health-care workers vaccinated is concerning some health experts and union officials, who say the government should focus more on carrots than on sticks.
But that strategy is working, according to Health Minister Christian Dube.
On Wednesday, Dube said on Twitter that vaccination rates among health-care workers have risen 20 per cent since April 10 — the day his government issued a decree requiring they get vaccinated or be forced to get tested at least three times a week. Those who refuse can be reassigned or suspended without pay.
On Tuesday, Dube said the decree would apply to all private long-term care homes. “I’m not satisfied yet,” he told reporters, “because I would be more satisfied when we approach 80, 85 per cent and we are currently at roughly 67 per cent.”