The magnet for NRGH's second MRI weighs 12,000 pounds. (submitted/Dominic Abassi)
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VIDEO: Magnet arrives for second MRI at NRGH

Jan 21, 2020 | 4:25 AM

NANAIMO — A 12,000 pound gift was delivered to Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

The heavy magnet for the hospital’s second MRI machine was hoisted into a new addition near the emergency ward early on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Dr. Brent Carson, head of the MRI department, said the nearly $2 million upgrade will bring major changes to the department.

“It’s going to be very, very fast, potentially allowing us to scan more patients in shorter periods of time and it will also allow us to scan with higher resolutions and give us better detail.”

Carson said those in the MRI department waited several years for approval from the provincial government for a second MRI machine.

Island Health expected the new piece of equipment at NRGH valued at nearly $2 million to begin serving patients in April.

MRI machines (magnetic resonance imaging) produce images of the body’s organs and structures to diagnose and help treat a wide range of medical ailments.

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