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A Foundry BC site would help kids of all ages and experiences and guide them in the right direction to the care they need. (Foundry BC)
under one roof

Nanaimo agencies applying for one-stop shop to help youth poverty and mental health issues

Nov 8, 2019 | 9:12 AM

NANAIMO — A one-stop-shop for local youth in need will hopefully stop mental health and addictions issues at a young age from becoming life-long afflictions.

Various service agencies and the City of Nanaimo are partnering to apply for a Foundry BC site. These sites are provincially funded sites which bring youth services together under one roof and simplify the often confusing process of getting help.

Organizations such as the mid island branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Kw’umut Lelum, the United Way and Island Health are involved, as well as many others.

Jason Harrison with with mid island branch of CMHA said it’s a preventative initiative creating a web of services youth can’t fall through.

“Engaging people much earlier before their concerns and struggles take root, diverting them into healthier ways of being…so we can ultimately end up having them off the streets or in types of distress. We’re hopefully heading it well off before it becomes entrenched and before you see it.”

Eliminating the need to have intake sessions at so many different agencies also eliminates the need to re-live the trauma youth experience.

“Sometimes there are very difficult things that people have to deal with and when you’re forced to tell it over and over while getting bounced around by services, it becomes daunting and sometimes you quit,” Harrison said. “Being able to tell your story once and getting the services you need is really key.”

There are currently eight Foundry BC sites in the province with another three opening in the coming months. Two are open on Vancouver Island, in Victoria and Campbell River.

Harrison said youth visiting the other sites often said they wouldn’t have reached out to the providers to get help if it wasn’t accessible.

“With a Foundry in our community, it’s easy for everyone in the community to say ‘You’re experiencing something and need help, go to that place over there.’ It takes that confusion out and allows them to connect to a whole community suite of services.”

Relationship building between the agencies to bring a Foundry BC site to Nanaimo has been underway since late 2017.

The province is currently seeking expressions of interest for a Foundry site, which new locations announced early next year.

On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit