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The popular Westwood trails are officially on land owned by the Department of National Defense and near their shooting range. (Chris Courtney)
happy trails

DND to close popular Westwood mountain bike trails

May 16, 2019 | 11:26 AM

NANAIMO — A beloved trail network south of Westwood Lake will soon close after the Department of National Defence declared it unsafe.

The DND told the Nanaimo Mountain Bike Club the trails they use and have built up over the years falls within the boundaries of the Nanaimo Rifle Range on Nanaimo Lakes Rd. and must be shut down.

“It flies in the face of good judgement and common sense to use a weapons range as a recreation area,” Lt. Commander John Nethercott at CFB Esquimalt told NanaimoNewsNOW.

He said there is never a safe time to be near a rifle range and even if gunshots aren’t heard, it should always be considered active.

A release from CFB Esquimalt alleged vandalism and trespassing at the range has increased in recent years, with signs removed and holes created in fences.

“There’s been a sense of entitlement that’s permeated through particular communities in the area, where they believe they have rights to access the area for recreation,” Nethercott said.

A map of the Nanaimo Rifle Range and surrounding area (Department of National Defence)

Nanaimo Mountain Bike Club communications director Dana Wacker said she understood many trails are built on privately-owned DND land but stressed the potential loss of Westwood Lake would be tremendous for the mountain bike community and other activity groups.

“In the summer, it’s one of the only places which isn’t affected by wild fire closures. In the middle of winter, it’s one of the only places which doesn’t receive too much snowfall. Regardless of the weather, it’s one of the most magical and enjoyable places in Nanaimo to ride and recreate.” Dana Wacker

Wacker said the numerous trails are meant for everyone of all skill levels and “really let you explore nature in its purest and most unaltered form.”

“I think coming together and starting a petition is a great start, but then we need to take this further and get everyone around the table…to see what we can do and at least open a dialogue to go from here.”

She said she’s optimistic a solution could be reached if a full dialogue happens between riders, the DND and different levels of government.

The trail database Trailforks has already removed all the listed trails south of Westwood Lake.

A petition created by avid mountain bike rider Tyler Walker has gained nearly 2,500 signatures in two days.

Walker said while he understands the concerns of the DND, their reasoning doesn’t sit well with him.

“They said it’s for our safety, which I disagree with. We’re within earshot of the firing range and if you hear shooting, you just don’t go anywhere close to there. You ride off into the forest.”Tyler Walker

Range activity is currently cancelled between May 16 and May 20 to allow riders to remove any trail infrastructure in the area, which Walker said isn’t a reasonable time frame.

The issue last came to public attention in 2012, when the DND said it would more strongly enforce against trespassing on their land near the rifle range.


On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit