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Nanaimo RCMP boot prolific offender, don’t expect him to return for court date

May 6, 2019 | 12:05 PM

NANAIMO — A prolific offender isn’t expected back in Nanaimo after police officers bought him a ferry ticket off Vancouver Island.

RCMP Cst. Gary O’Brien said the 38-year-old man was arrested after allegedly stealing a bait bike near the Terminal Ave. temporary housing complex around midnight on Tuesday, May 2.

“He’s well-known to police in Alberta,” O’Brien said. “He was subject of 11 warrants, has an extensive criminal record and was currently before the courts on a number of very serious offences.”

O’Brien said the man, who can’t be identified since a possession of stolen property charge hasn’t been sworn in before the courts, recently arrived in Nanaimo for only criminal reasons.

After a judicial bail hearing at the Nanaimo RCMP detachment, it was decided the man fit the criteria to be removed from Vancouver Island.

Officers even bought his ferry ticket with their own money.

“They put him on board and waved him goodbye. The only reason he’s allowed back in Nanaimo is to attend court and it’s highly unlikely he will even come back for that.”

When asked why officers went through all the trouble and paperwork for a man who will likely never been seen by Nanaimo RCMP again, O’Brien said “You work with what you have.”

The task force who apprehended the prolific offender was recently put into action due to spikes in crime around two temporary housing developments in Nanaimo.

O’Brien said the task force is very busy and more information on their success is anticipated this week.


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