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Tourist centre closed by funding fight

Mar 6, 2025 | 8:42 AM

The Alberni Valley Tourist Information Centre is the latest victim in a battle between City Council and the Regional District.
Last week, Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce executive director Jolleen Dick announced the closure of the visitor centre for March due to the delayed renewal of their contract with the City of Port Alberni.
Yesterday, she found out the city was refusing to continue funding visitor services.
“So we had a meeting City staff to inform us that we are not to expect any renegotiated contract, so that contract is terminated; it’s done.” she said. “We’re to look to the regional district because they believe it’s a regional service and we don’t necessarily disagree with that but we disagree with this process and how it’s unfolding.”
Dick says the city should have given notice of their intention and provided some transitional funding while Chamber of Commerce leaders talked with ACRD officials and provincial and federal grants could be put in place.
Port Alberni Mayor Sharie Minions has been pushing the regional district to increase funding of city services that benefit the entire Alberni Valley.
Mayor Minions was unavailable for a response yesterday.