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Brandon Lee Anderson, 29, was handed a time-served jail sentence and two years probation this week, for the incessant stalking and harassment campaign of a local woman spanning over two years. (Facebook)
disturbing behaviour

‘This had devastating impacts on her life:’ extensive harassment campaign targets Nanaimo woman

Aug 28, 2024 | 5:33 AM

NANAIMO — A local social worker became the victim of a severe, obsessive mission by a man who refused to leave her alone.

Well over two years after Brandon Lee Anderson’s campaign against the woman began, he was handed a time-served jail sentence and two years probation.

A Tuesday, Aug. 27 sentencing hearing in provincial court in Vancouver outlined the disturbing behaviour of the volatile 29-year-old Anderson.

A joint submission accepted by judge Nancy Adams heard Anderson snapped a picture of the Nanaimo-based victim, who NanaimoNewsNOW is choosing not to name, at her workplace in May 2022 and sent numerous messages about the woman to people she knew.

The following month, Anderson was told as a result of his conduct he was no longer allowed to access services from the downtown Nanaimo service provider where the woman was employed.

“He would contact her at work multiple times a day and so often that he tied up the phone lines at the [facility] that she worked. Some of the messages were sexual in nature and includes him sending messages of him breathing and moaning,” judge Adams said.

The woman’s colleagues and members of her family implored Anderson to stop, however it appeared those pleas had the opposite effect, the judge said.

“He continued to contact her directly and many people who knew her in the community and he created a fake social media presence as I understand in respect to her.”

Anderson used a variety of alias Facebook accounts to stalk and digitally harass the victim and her family and friends. (Facebook)

Anderson’s campaign included long emails professing his love to the woman, which were sent to dozens of local government officials, business operators and media outlets, including NanaimoNewsNOW.

In late July 2022, a person believed to be Anderson called NanaimoNewsNOW six times in 20 minutes, leaving voicemails featuring him singing the victim’s name.

A further 52 calls and similar voicemails were left by another related number in a 90-minute span the same evening.

Referencing a compelling victim impact statement, judge Adams told court the woman became so alarmed at the continuous barrage of messages from Anderson in the summer of 2022, she quit her job.

The victim reported suffering significant mental anguish due to Anderson’s relentless campaign, which she stated she still feels.

“This had devastating impacts on her life, on her family members and everyone who knew her.”

Messages allegedly from Anderson to his victim in November 2022. Comments like this were posted by accounts claiming to be Anderson on the victim’s Facebook page. (Facebook)

A pre-sentence report delved into the life of Anderson, an Indigenous man with a grade 12 education who has unspecified developmental challenges.

Anderson’s father passed away when he was young, while his mother struggled to raise him, prompting the offender to spend most of his childhood in ministry care.

Anderson felt isolated from his peers throughout his adolescence, the report stated.

“He has led a life of extreme isolation from the community and had trouble forming and maintaining friendships and interpersonal relationships with people which is likely at the root of his offending,” judge Adams told court.

A 2022 photo of Brandon Lee Anderson (Facebook)

Defence attorney Chester Bridal said Anderson’s isolation issues transitioned from his youth into adulthood.

He said Anderson has benefitted from a non-profit Indigenous organization.

“He’s made contacts that have had made a significant effect on his life and my submission there’ is hope that there is going to be a turnaround in his future contact,” Bridal said.

However, Bridal’s optimism appears to have been premature.

Hours after being sentenced for his crimes, a Facebook user claiming to be Anderson again harassed the victim, using similar language and references as Anderson did in previous posts.

A pair of identical comments left by a Facebook user apperaing to be Anderson was left on the victim’s Facebok page on Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 2:17 p.m. the same day Anderson was sentenced for a harrassment charge. (Facebook)

In addition to pleading guilty to the harassment offence, Anderson also pleaded guilty to mischief for slashing the tires of an employee at a Vancouver shelter in September 2022.

An agreed statement of facts heard Anderson lashed out after being told the shelter was too full for him to be admitted overnight.

Court was told Anderson has a total of six mischief convictions, all for tire slashings, which were acts of anger for being turned away at shelters.

Anderson also has a prior harassment conviction in Calgary in 2021.

He declined to formally address the court.

Anderson was issued a suspended sentence and two years probation, as well as 50 hours of community service to be completed within one year.

He was credited with spending 17 days in jail.

His probation features no contact orders against his Nanaimo harassment victim, and deleting all online material related to her by Friday, Aug. 30 at noon.

Counselling provisions ordered for Anderson include tailored mental health-focused sessions.

An April 3, 2024 post from an account allegedly belonging to Anderson showed his harassment campaign went further than online, posting printed out photos of the victim around Vancouver and other places online. (Facebook)

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