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Police and Nanaimo search and rescue crews spent a good part of last week and this weekend searching for 48-year-old Nancy Gagne. (Alex Rawnsley/NanaimoNewsNOW)
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Search called off for missing Nanaimo woman

Feb 5, 2024 | 2:32 PM

NANAIMO — Following exhaustive efforts since late last week, officials have paused search operations for a missing local woman.

RCMP, Nanaimo Search and Rescue along with other first responders were deployed in a search for 48-year-old Nancy Gagne on Thursday, Feb. 1, with efforts concentrated around the Millstone River and Bowen Park area of the city.

Reserve Cst. Gary O’Brien said searching continued into Saturday with the use of an RCMP helicopter, but no trace of Gagne has been found despite information suggesting she was in the area.

“Established last movements put her in the park and there were several items found that were associated with her and confirmed to be owned by her.”

West Coast Marine Services searched the harbour, while crews feel they’ve exhausted all possible areas inside Bowen Park.

Members from Nanaimo Search and Rescue, joined by other Island SAR divisions, combed through local waters, however current conditions make more extensive searches dangerous.

O’Brien noted water flow rates of the Millstone River make it impossible for divers to conduct a more thorough search at this time.

Search and Rescue crews made efforts to search the Millstone River on Friday, Feb. 2 and over the weekend to try and locate Nancy Gagne. (Alex Rawnsley/NanaimoNewsNOW)

Police note Gagne was last seen Friday morning around 6:30 a.m. and was wearing multi-coloured pyjamas. Her whereabouts remains an active missing persons investigation.

She’s described as caucasian, 5’7″ tall, 150 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. She also wears glasses.

The circumstances of her disappearance are unknown.

Nancy Gagne went missing early Friday morning reportedly wearing multi-coloured pyjamas. She has not been seen since. (submitted photo)

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