‘The idea is to create stability:’ Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter fundraising for much-needed upgrades
NANAIMO — A small group making a big impact in the community is looking for a little help.
The Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter is holding a 15th birthday celebration and fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 2 between 1:15 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. at 595 Townsite Rd., celebrating not only everything they’ve achieved but what they’re hoping to do moving forward.
Paul Manly, executive director of the shelter, told NanaimoNewsNOW hundreds of people have used the facility as a transition out of trouble and into increased stability.
“We’re seeing a lot more seniors these days showing up at our door but also people with disabilities, people working poor and people with mental health and addictions challenges. It’s a broad spectrum of people who use the shelter.”