Water Cooler: Nanaimo’s downtown challenges & future for warming centre
NANAIMO — The Water Cooler is NanaimoNewsNOW’s letters to the editor-style segment, featuring conversations about the news in Nanaimo and Oceanside.
This week’s feature looks at continued issues in Nanaimo’s downtown including the recent closure of a warming centre and tense moments between operators and council members.
Greg L., Nanaimo: Nanaimo, in the downtown area, has turned into a slum. Nanaimo is not an area that will be a jewel of this town. Citizens are afraid to go to the downtown area at night for fear of being robbed or beat up from those that we are trying to help. If any remember the movie “You Build It and We will Come”. We are our own worst enemy.
The age group of those that now clog every inch of space in downtown are is between 16 and 40.They are able to work, but we enable them to suck off Nanaimo and not hold them credible. We have created the problem and now if we aren’t brain dead and have our head buried in the sand, clean up our city before we lose it.