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Active cases in the central Island region rose on Wednesday, however the trend from the last seven days remains down. (File Photo/NanaimoNewsNOW)
case counts

Active COVID-19 cases on central Island rise slightly

May 19, 2021 | 4:16 PM

NANAIMO — Island Health has sustained a minor reversal in its COVID-19 trends.

The health authority announced 17 new cases on Wednesday, May 19, taking the total to 4,940.

Active cases rose by one to 120, however the central Island region saw an increase of seven, from 48 to 55.

Northern Vancouver Island, including the central B.C. coast, account for 30 active cases, with the remaining 35 residing south of the Malahat.

There is a data discrepancy between Island Health and the province, based on the timing of COVID-19 results. NanaimoNewsNOW reports local verified data from Island Health.

Provincially, 521 cases were confirmed by the BC Centre for Disease Control.

The number of active cases in B.C. saw a minor drop to 4,815 including 340 people in hospital with 118 currently receiving intensive care.

The BC CDC reports 11 patients in hospital across Island Health, including three in critical care.

A further eight deaths linked to COVID-19 were also recorded, taking B.C.’s number of confirmed fatalities to 1,658.

Health minister Adrian Dix said earlier on Wednesday vaccination appointments will open immediately for those aged 12 to 17 years old.

Further details are expected when Dix, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Premier John Horgan conduct a briefing on Thursday, May 20 at 2 p.m.

Some in Nanaimo have reported challenges of booking a vaccine appointment through the government website.

As of Wednesday, May 19, the clinic located at Beban Park in Nanaimo was not shown as an option, with only limited appointments available at a smaller clinic in Cedar.

Island Health confirmed to NanaimoNewsNOW they are aware of the situation and are working to fix it as quickly as possible.

Those wanting to book an appointment at Beban Park can still do so by calling the provincial booking centre at 1-833-838-2323.

UPDATE: Island Health have said the issue affecting bookings at Beban Park is now resolved.

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