Scotch Broom is a highly visible invasive plant species in the mid island area every spring, particularly along highways. (Ian Holmes/NanaimoNewsNOW)
stubborn plants

Invasive plants under attack in Nanaimo

May 15, 2021 | 6:44 AM

NANAIMO — Volunteers have answered the call for help combating sprawling invasive plants in the Nanaimo area.

City of Nanaimo recreation coordinator Deb Beck said invasive plant clean-up events this month in partnership with BroomBusters encouraged strong volunteer numbers to the organized work parties.

She believes people are paying more attention to invasive plant removal on private and public property during the pandemic.

“People realizing they have time to be outside, this is one of the projects that you can actually get out and do (safely) and make a difference in your community and your neighbourhood.”

The second of two drop zone events will happen at Bowen Park on Saturday, May 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the lower parking lot off Wall St., where people can get rid of their invasive plants free of charge.

Beck said several invasive plants continue wreaking havoc in the Nanaimo area, including Scotch Broom, ivy, himalayan blackberry and daphne.

Those plants and others out compete native plants for sunlight, nutrition and water, Beck said.

“Eventually you end up with a mono culture of one plant and we lose that diversity that our wildlife and critters really, really need.”

Invasive plants can be dropped off at the Regional Landfill or accepted by several private collectors for proper disposal.

Beck said invasive plants should never be tossed in your green bin.

More information on invasive plants in Nanaimo and how to address them can be found here.

May is Invasive Plant Awareness Month in the province.

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