Coldest ‘month’ of the year triggers red-hot donations in Nanaimo, Oceanside
NANAIMO — Changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic may have shifted how the Coldest Night of the Year ran in 2021, but it couldn’t cancel the spirit.
Both events, in Nanaimo and Parksville/Oceanside, eclipsed fundraising goals with time to spare. Nanaimo raised over $53,000 on its $45,000 goal, while Parksville/Oceanside just met its $40,000 goal.
Elspeth Erickson, event coordinator for the Nanaimo walk, told NanaimoNewsNOW they were unsure how this year would go, with group gathering limitations meaning the fundraiser adjusted from a one night event to a month-long promotion.
“Having organized the event for several years and seeing that people do like to come together…seeing the uptake and creativity of people, the way more people in fact got involved because they had the flexibility, that’s been a learning for us.”