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Clippers captain Kyler Kovich is one of a handful of players who have left to explore options to play in the United States. Junior hockey leagues operating south of the border have left holes in team rosters around the entire BCHL. (Gary Dorland)
Roster shuffling

Hockey opportunities in the U.S. leave Clippers looking to fill roster spots

Jan 14, 2021 | 6:19 PM

NANAIMO — The Clippers have lost some key players to hockey south of the border.

After winning the Island Cup in November, Nanaimo lost forward Tim Washe to the NCAA and defenseman Gianni Fairbrother to the WHL.

More recently captain Kyler Kovich, Sean Donaldson and Carter Rose have opted to pursue options to play in the USHL Junior A league.

The BCHL had hoped to start a regular season on Dec. 1 and then again in early January, but with health restrictions currently in place it will be mid-February at the earliest before junior hockey can begin.

Many US college programs are running and leagues like the USHL and NAHL are playing games as well.

Clippers owner Wes Mussio said while his team was hit hard by player departures other teams in the BCHL are having similar issues.

“It’s pretty well across the BC Hockey League that a lot of the better players have left for opportunities to play down south.”

To help fill the void Nanaimo has added 20 year-old forward Thomas Maia from the Victoria Grizzlies and also a pair of hometown Nanaimo players.

Defenseman Brendan Carlson and forward Luke Lavery have both joined the team from the North Island Silvertips U-18 program.

Mussio explained the Clippers are far from done amassing talent.

“We’ll also be scouring back east where things are even more restricted to try to pick up some players to make up the gap.”

BCHL commissioner Chris Hebb stressed the league does intend to play this year and any player who goes to the US will not be able to rejoin a BCHL club this season.

“Yes, we have some players making decisions to go, we we also have a lot decisions being made to stay.”


On twitter: @danmarshall77

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