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These dogs tied for the top prize at a neighbourhood dog show, organized to put a smile on everyone's face. (submitted/Dirk Heydemann)
Best in show

Neighbourhood dog show brings big smiles and great times

May 24, 2020 | 7:47 AM

NANAIMO — “It’s about coming together and celebrating our furbabies,” photographer Dirk Heydemann said with a laugh.

He’s got much to laugh about, after organizing a successful neighbourhood dog show on Tuesday, May 19.

“I think everyone had been feeling cooped up for a while. With the restrictions being somewhat lifted, this was a great event for neighbours to come out,” he told NanaimoNewsNOW.

The idea came to him when seeing all the dogs out with their owners during the 7 p.m. cheer, which fills his neighbourhood with a wide variety of enthusiastic sounds.

“I’d seen in the news what people are doing to connect with their neighbours. All the pieces came together so nicely, it just seemed perfect.”

Prizes were donated from the Bosley’s by Pet Value on Bowen Rd. Twenty-five prize bags were given away, with additional prizes for award-winning dogs.

Heydemann’s daughter and the daughters of many neighbours crafted unique categories for the dogs.

“They had their fun coming up with the categories and I think the audience loved that,” he said.

Categories included most embarrassing dog, best trick and most misbehaved dog, as well as best in show and a variety of others.

There was actually a tie for first place.

The neighbourhood dog show also raised $230 for the Nanaimo SPCA.

Heydemann said there’s already calls for another neighbourhood dog show or something similar next year.


On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit