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Nanaimo RCMP arrested a 29-year-old man for possession and distribution of child pornography following an almost two year investigation. (Alex Rawnsley/NanaimoNewsNOW)

Nanaimo RCMP arrest man on child pornography charges

Mar 4, 2020 | 9:09 AM

NANAIMO — Local mounties have arrested a Nanaimo man for alleged child porn offences.

Officers went to a home in Nanaimo on Feb. 27 and arrested 29-year-old Tori Bruce Schild following an almost two year investigation.

Schild has been charged with possessing and distributing child pornography.

Schild appeared in court in Nanaimo the same day and was released from custody under several conditions. He is due to appear in court again on Mar. 10.

The investigation into Schild began in May, 2018, with officers searching his home in September, 2018, taking several items which supported charges being laid against him.

Nanaimo RCMP were aided by information from the BC Integrated Child Exploitation Unit (BC ICE).

“It’s not uncommon for investigations oft his nature to take one, two or even three years,” Cst. Gary O’Brien told NanaimoNewsNOW. “Evidence has to be analyzed, catalogued and there’s constant dialogue with the BC ICE unit.”

O’Brien added child pornography investigations are a high priority for local police and take considerable resources from officers dedicated to these cases.

“They’re horrendous files to deal with. This investigation started in early 2018 and culminated with this arrest a week ago,” O’Brien said. “Having to view these images are ones that are sometimes seared in your memories and you never take them out.”

No local victims have been identified.

Schild has no criminal record in the province, according to court records.


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