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26-year-old Justin Kloss was sentenced to nine months in jail on Thursday Sept. 12 in provincial court in Nanaimo. He'll serve another six months behind bars due to credit for time served, along with one year probation and a one year driving ban. (File photo/NanaimoNewsNOW).
prolific criminal

Nine month jail sentence for Parksville prolific offender

Sep 15, 2019 | 12:32 PM

NANAIMO — A prolific offender from Parksville has been sentenced to nine months in jail for break and enter, stealing a vehicle and fleeing police.

Justin Joseph Kloss, 26, learned his punishment recently in provincial court in Nanaimo after he pleaded guilty to several offences.

Kloss broke into a Parksville beach house on Wright Rd. and stole a computer monitor on May 24, 2019. He was linked to the crime through video surveillance and forensics left at the scene, court was told.

Kloss stole a Subaru Forester from a Nanaimo home a month later, which was spotted by an Oceanside RCMP officer on Highway 19A on July 20.

Crown prosecutor Leanne Mascolo said Kloss did a U-turn near the Cook Creek interchange and went down a logging road where his vehicle became stuck in a creek bed.

Kloss was arrested soon after.

He will spend a further six months behind bars due to credit for time already served. Kloss was also handed one year probation and a one year driving ban following a joint submission between the Crown and defence.

Kloss also pleaded guilty to a probation breach.

Kelly Bradshaw, Kloss’s lawyer, told court his behaviour was linked to a heroin addiction.

Kloss intends to take advantage of drug treatment and vocational training once an intended transfer to Nanaimo Correctional Centre is arranged, according to Bradshaw.

Kloss briefly apologized to court by saying he’s committed to turning his life around.

“I hope so,” Judge Brian Harvey responded. “You’re only young once, you don’t want to be spending the rest of your young life in jail, it’s no place to be.”

Kloss has a lengthy criminal record stretching back to 2013, primarily for property crimes and driving offences.

Kloss’s case was dealt with the same afternoon 27-year-old Hudson Klassen of the Oceanside area was sentenced. The cases are unrelated.

On Twitter: @reporterholmes