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Barbers cutting hair for the first day of school as the kids receive free school supplies. (Spencer Sterritt/NanaimoNewsNOW)
Fresh start

Fundraiser helping kids for first day of school

Aug 2, 2019 | 7:48 AM

NANAIMO — The first day of school is quickly approaching and community volunteers want to make sure kids have everything they need.

The annual Fresh Start program is fundraising and collecting items for young students, including backpacks, books and clothes. Any money donated will be given to parent groups who already work hard to provide supplies for students who can’t afford them.

Creator Dave Lawrence told NanaimoNewsNOW it’s been a joy to see the program grow by “leaps and bounds” in such a short time.

“It’s such a rewarding thing to do. You see people who came one year and then are in a better situation volunteering to help the next year.”