A makeshift memorial placed shortly after the death of Eric Shim, who was hit by a vehicle while using a Hammond Bay Rd. crosswalk on March 6, 2019. (Ian Holmes/NanaimoNewsNOW)
road safety

City to evaluate Hammond Bay Rd. safety concerns after teen tragically killed

Jun 11, 2019 | 9:25 AM

NANAIMO — While the death of a teenage pedestrian highlights safety concerns on Hammond Bay Rd., the City says a wait and see approach is required.

Eric Shim, 17, died in mid-March several days after he was hit by an SUV in a Hammond Bay Rd. crosswalk a few blocks east of Dover Bay Secondary School.

An online petition surfaced following the incident, calling for a light-signaled crosswalk on Hammond Bay at Ventura Dr. and more safety signage.

The City’s manager of transportation Jamie Rose said they are waiting for the results of an RCMP investigation to provide a wholesome view of what transpired.

“Getting really good information on what the situation is, is absolutely paramount on how we action it,” Rose told NanaimoNewsNOW.

Rose said pedestrian safety concerns on Hammond Bay Rd. are not new.

He said many areas surrounding the well-used road saw extensive growth over the last several years.

On top of heavier use than what the busy route was designed for, Rose said Hammond Bay Rd. has topography challenges.

“(It) makes expanding the cross section to include things like sidewalks, bike lanes and other amenities quite a bit more challenging. We have to really be creative about how we apply them.”

Rose said the road safety puzzle involving all Nanaimo residents contains many pieces beyond road-related infrastructure, including motorist and pedestrian behaviour.

He said increased conversations about distracted driving and speeding are referenced regularly at local road safety meetings involving the City, RCMP and ICBC.

Nanaimo RCMP Cst. Gary O’Brien told NanaimoNewsNOW the March 6 incident on Hammond Bay Rd. at Ventura Dr. remains an active investigation, but wouldn’t comment further.

Police said a 33-year-old driver of an SUV cooperated with police after the teen was hit.

On Twitter: @reporterholmes