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Lewis Smith required roughly 40 stitches after being mauled by a large dog at Invermere Beach. Submitted/Laura Smith
Vicious Attack

3-year-old boy mauled by large dog at Invermere Beach

May 8, 2019 | 4:58 PM

NANAIMO — A day at the beach nearly turned into tragedy after a three-year-old boy was seriously hurt in a sudden attack by a large dog.

Lewis Smith was playing in the sand at the off-leash Invermere Beach with his caregiver nearby on Thursday, May 2 when a large dog stepped up to him.

It viciously attacked Smith when the young boy took a step back, mauling him on the north Nanaimo beach and causing numerous deep injuries.

Smith’s caregiver rushed over to pull him to safety. The dog owner also quickly reached the scene and helped take the bleeding child to hospital, where he received roughly 40 stitches.

His mother Laura Smith said it was “unimaginable” to see her son at the hospital bloody and wrapped in bandages.

Just seeing the severity of all the wounds and how sad he was, because he was in shock…it’s unimaginable.Laura Smith

“The only injury I could see at the time was his ear and all the blood. My caregiver was covered in blood as well. I was definitely shocked.”

Several days later, Smith said her son is back from the hospital and slowly turning back into his fun-loving and playful self.

“The first three days he was sleeping a lot but having a hard time sleeping at night. He wasn’t himself up to yesterday (Tuesday, May 7). Then today his spirits are up. He’s laughing and playing.”

Since the incident, Lewis has talked often about the attack as he tries to make sense of it.

Lewis Smith before the attack was a bright, bouncing boy who loved to play outside. Submitted/Laura Smith

Smith said she’s happy to see the physical wounds are healing but is concerned about the mental scars which might be left behind.

“I don’t want him having fears of dogs and beaches,” she said. “He’s a pretty hyper kid who likes to play and run and jump. That’s the stuff we have to work on.”

The two will visit his caregiver on Friday and he’s expected back in daycare by next week.

Smith is thankful to Lewis’s caregiver and anyone at the beach who helped save her son.

The large dog, a husky and wolf mix, was voluntarily put down by the owner.

Senior animal control officer Ian Fraser said he has no understanding of why the dog suddenly attacked.

“Clearly the three-year-old boy wasn’t a threat. He didn’t engage the dog in any way, he was actually just sitting on the sand.”

Fraser stressed owners of wolf mixed breeds need to be aware of how much extra training will be required to handle the dog’s more aggressive nature.

“I’ve met lots of wolf dogs over my years of doing this job and they’re a little different. They do need a little extra attention from the owner.”

Though Invermere Beach is an off-leash area, Fraser told NanaimoNewsNOW it doesn’t mean dogs can just run wild.

“Your dog can be off-leash but it still has to be in your command. Certainly if you can’t see your dog, arguably you don’t have control over it.”


On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit