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Suspicious fires in downtown Nanaimo believed to be linked: RCMP

May 1, 2019 | 8:47 AM

NANAIMO — Police are searching for two “fire bugs” connected to several intentionally lit fires in downtown Nanaimo. 

Nanaimo RCMP said two men were seen lighting a fire in the lower level of the Bastion St. parkade just after midnight on Sunday, April 28.

Two piles of garbage several feet high against a parkade wall were set alight.

RCMP Cst. Gary O’Brien said a more troubling and serious fire was set only minutes later, in a brush pile inside a locked compound at Golds Automotive. 

“Materials caught fire, which quickly spread to some automotive parts,” he told NanaimoNewsNOW

Nanaimo Fire Rescue attended both small blazes and extinguished them before any serious damage could be caused.

Given the short amount of time and distance between the two incidents, Nanaimo RCMP said the fires are likely connected.

No description was given for either man.

“We’re sure there were lots of people around. This is on a Saturday night which had just flipped into early Sunday morning. Lots of people in the bar scene in that area, lots of vehicle traffic, so we’re hoping someone saw something.”

Anyone with information is urged to call Nanaimo RCMP or Crime Stoppers.



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