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‘We couldn’t believe it:’ Goat owners plead for safe return of a stolen baby goat

Apr 29, 2019 | 9:36 AM

NANAIMO — “Everybody is just shocked and beside themselves that someone could actually do this.”

Yellow Point Farms owners Justin and Rebecca Dault are grappling with the fact someone stole a 12-day-old baby goat from their farm.

The goat was last seen on Saturday, April 27 during an event at the Ladysmith farm where roughly 50 cuddled with goats as a fun, family activity. When the cuddle session finished, the Dault’s realized one of their goats was missing.

“Justin and I couldn’t believe it,” Rebecca Dault told NanaimoNewsNOW. “We looked everywhere high and low into the night…there was no sign of him.”

They have since opened a police report and are firm in their belief someone stole the goat. They said there’s no holes for him to escape out of and the baby wouldn’t wander from his mother.

Since posting about the lost animal on Sunday, the Dault’s said there was an overwhelming response of shared sympathies and concerns. Importantly, people who were at the farm on Saturday have sent in photos and helped identify who was there at the time.

Photos show the baby in the barn area up until 2 p.m. at an event which lasted until 3 p.m.

The goat’s mother is still looking for her baby too, crying throughout the day and distressed. She was engorged with milk and had to be manually drained because the baby wasn’t there to feed.

Justin said the 12-day-old goat isn’t properly bottle trained yet, so he’ll be starving and likely quite distressed.

The goat activities at Yellow Point Farm are a major draw, Justin said, from the goat yoga they run to the opportunity to cuddle and spend time with the young animals.

With his faith now shaken, Justin said their whole outlook has changed.

“Now we’re looking a different way and thinking we might not be able to do these goat snuggles if this kind of stuff happens,” he said. “We feel violated, we feel taken advantage of.”

The Dault’s pleaded to whoever has their goat to drop the baby off at the farm, no questions asked.

Photos of the day in question can be found on their Facebook page.



On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit