Peter Urquhart

Oct 10, 2018 | 6:12 PM

NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited.


I’m 49, and was raised in Qualicum. I’ve lived in Nanaimo for 30 years. I’m a software developer that builds comprehensive business solutions which impact the bottom line of mid-large scale enterprises and their customers. Working with multiple stakeholders requires careful listening and demands decision making that gets to the core of issues quickly, and resolving them with careful consideration towards all possible outcomes and how they affect all parties. I’m solution driven and pay attention – I’m detail oriented.

I volunteer my time contributing towards various community initiatives, committees and boards, some of which I lead. I’m a member of Nanaimo’s Community Engagement Task Force, president of the Friends of Heritage Society, and the lead of a think-tank focused on researching a model of regional support and coordination similar to how the CRD has successfully moved ahead and garnered $90M in joint partnership funding towards their regional needs.

Contact information:

Phone: (250) 714-9869




Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being a councillor/mayor?

I see the most important duties associated with the role of being a councillor/mayor being the following, through work done collectively as a council, and individually:

  • Leading the direction of the City through strategic planning and contributing towards policy development focused on the needs of the city and community.
  • Ensuring that the best interests of our city – and the businesses, community and organizations within it – are well represented. This includes ensuring ongoing and meaningful engagement and collaboration to ensure that representation is always an accurate reflection of those within our community.
  • Delivering quality oversight and stewardship through solid due diligence towards effective decision making, assessing progress, ensuring responsible allocation of resources, and providing solid risk management.
  • Providing quality leadership and representation which focuses on teamwork and leading by example. Leadership that sets clear expectations and reasonable goals, empowers and advances relationships and initiatives which help the city, community, and economic conditions thrive.

Question 2: Describe your vision for Nanaimo beyond the next four years

There are many challenges that the new council will have to face, and through hard work, strong vision and commitment I believe we can turn these challenges into solutions that will drive positive growth within our community.
Beyond four years I envision our community as one which has grown significantly and is well into establishing its identity.

A community that is focused on lifestyle through strength of community and support of each other as well as arts, culture and heritage. A place recognized for embracing innovation and that has made large strides by opening doors and working together to face the economic and community issues that exist. We can be known as a city which takes care of its infrastructure and that shows great prosperity – economically and socially in the vibrance and well-being of the community.

Question 3: If you were making a list of your top three strategic priorities for the incoming Council to focus on over the next four years, what would it be and why?

Effective Governance: We need to spend within our means and keep taxes manageable. Conduct in depth budgeting, define economic and social ROI measures for projects. Increase openness, transparency, and accountability – empower staff to proactively release information, make our FOI system more accessible and information more broadly available. Develop a culture of collaboration within the corporation, stakeholders and community to increase effectiveness, grow capacity, and build trust.

Innovation and Growth: We are a fast-growing community and must place emphasis on empowering and leveraging community and stakeholder involvement to develop innovative solutions and bring positive change. We need to place a strong emphasis on economic development and community building to help attract investment and talent, accelerate small business, and revitalize our under-utilized spaces.

Increasing Affordability: A huge issue that affects young adults, seniors, and others with modest incomes – 25% of all households in Nanaimo, and 48% of renters. Address housing affordability through policy and bylaw development that opens new markets by enabling innovative affordable development and alternative housing. Focus on sidewalk and transit infrastructure to increase mobility aspects for residents to reach amenities. Develop “buy local” strategies and address food security through improved coordination and support of food systems and initiatives.

Question 4: What is your strategy for dealing with the intense pressure and scrutiny placed upon elected officials, especially from those who may not agree with your decisions or viewpoints?

High pressure situations, scrutiny, and differing viewpoints are to be expected from this position, particularly with such an engaged and diverse community. My strategy is pretty straight forward – listen well and communicate clearly, openly, and honestly. As a member of Council you represent a diverse group of people and it’s important to recognize differences and seek to better understand them through meaningful and open dialogue. Complete due diligence to ensure well informed decisions are being made, and when mistakes are made (nobody is perfect) – own up to them.


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