Jim Turley

Oct 9, 2018 | 3:11 PM

NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited. 

Biography: N/A

Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being councillor/mayor?

The role of a councillor is laid out in the City of Nanaimo Council Charter which defines the role as one of Governance. Council is responsible for Strategic direction, allocating resources, managing risks, and oversight and reporting. My view of the most important duties are as follows:

A) The budget process with the end result of providing the best value for the income collected

B) Communicate and listen to citizens in a respectful manner.

C) Provide direction for the City based on input of both staff and city committees,

Question 2: Describe your vision for Nanaimo beyond the next four years

This term of council needs to enact the some of the current plans that have been done in the areas of affordable housing, and waterfront development. My vision beyond the coming four years would include a more effective Economic Development process, a Downtown that every citizen takes pride in, a partnership in Tourism with Snuneymuxw, an economy that will allow VIU and other local post-secondary students to remain as productive members of our city, and last but not least a thriving Arts and Culture sector that helps attract more economic development.

Question 3: If you were making a list of your top three strategic priorities for the incoming Council to focus on over the next four years, what would they be and why?

The first is to find a progressive CAO who can attract qualified staff to fill the many vacancies we currently have. The second is to form a private/public partnership to develop an effect economic development entity. One of the City’s contribution to this process would be the provision of information including all of the requirements for development to an investor. The third is to enact the recommendations of the City of Nanaimo’s affordable housing strategy.

Question 4: What is your strategy for dealing with the intense pressure and scrutiny placed upon elected officials, especially from those who may not agree with your decisions or viewpoints?

My strategy for dealing with those who do not agree with my view points or decisions on various items is to first hear them out without interruption. If the discussion is in a respectful tone I am prepared to debate with them and if they have in my opinion valid reasons for the opposite view I could change my mind or at least indicate I needed to do more study of the issue. If the discussion becomes less than respectful my response would be simply that we obviously agree to disagree. I would only do this after listening to them and then letting them know my opinion. I have had considerable experience is dealing with disgruntled people with my long career as a Lacrosse referee.


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