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Showers for Nanaimo’s homeless open on trial basis

Jan 16, 2018 | 4:36 PM

NANAIMO — Public showers to help make life a little easier on Nanaimo’s homeless are open on a trial basis, but the service is poised to last much longer.

The showers at Caledonia Park, open through Friday in the mornings from 7:30 to 10:30, are operated by staff at the nearby seasonal homeless shelter at First Unitarian Church.

Bruce Anderson, the City’s manager of community and cultural planning, told NanaimoNewsNOW Council is slated to vote next Monday to have the shower facility operating beyond this week for at least one year.

“The City has been working on our responses to public health and social issues in the downtown and as part of that we’ve been looking at issues around services and conditions related to people on the street.”

He said the idea behind more publicly available shower and washroom facilities in the area followed City-led workshops with input from people living and working downtown. Pressure to provide such a facility was cranked up during a pair of December council meetings where the need was highlighted.

Anderson won’t yet reveal at this time how much the showers will cost the City, but noted most of the financial commitment would revolve around supervising and clean-up.

Anderson views public showers for the homeless as one component in helping to restore order downtown, noting area security and litter pick-up is slated to continue until the end of March.

First Unitarian shelter coordinator Kevan Griffith said the Caledonia Park location ticks off a lot of boxes.

“It doesn’t have a lot of neighbours, it’s easy to police and the showers have just been redone, I think it’ll be a perfect venue for them.”

Griffith said there are 12 showers in total for men and women, along with washroom facilities. He said amenities like towels, soap, shampoo, hair driers and limited clothing are provided.

Griffith said the showers will be staffed by at least one person and hope to have a man and woman overseeing the program as much as possible.

Nanaimo RCMP’s bike patrol has been made aware of the program.



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