City Hall loses bylaw manager in latest staff realignment
NANAIMO — The manager of bylaw services was dismissed amid another personnel shuffle at Nanaimo City Hall.
Rod Davidson was let go after more than four years with the organization, director of human resources John Van Horne told NanaimoNewsNOW. Van Horne would not say if Davidson received a severance package, but said the City has a duty to provide notice or pay in lieu of notice. He said the move was “not a commentary on Rod’s work performance.”
The move is part of a realignment at City Hall, the third such shuffle in the last 15 months. “The reality is we’re always trying to adapt to changing priorities and assess what’s coming at us in the future and trying to make sure we adjust and have the right skills in the right place to meet those challenges,” Van Horne said.
Municipal governance consultant George Cuff said realigning an organization so many times over that period of time is not best practice. Cuff has been involved in local government since the 1970’s, working as a consultant on more than 500 reviews of municipalities across Canada over the last 30 years.