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Vancouver Island Party wants to make the Island a province

Jun 23, 2016 | 12:10 PM

You could have another option on your ballot for the 2017 provincial election.

The Vancouver Island Party was launched this week, and their ultimate goal is to make the Island Canada’s 11th province.

Party leader, former Conservative MP Robin Richardson, says they expect to run candidates in every Vancouver Island riding.

“My goal as leader is to find 14 qualified candidates and be competitive,” said Richardson  Now if we only say elect only three or four or five MLA’s, we could still form the balance of power.  Whether it’s the BC Liberals or the BC NDP that form the government, for our support we’d want them to have policies that support Vancouver Island.”

Richardson supports a referendum to become a province in 2021, and is toting a substantial cut to ferry fares as a major benefit.

“One example would be a very large subsidy from the federal government.  If you base it on population they’d be paying a subsidy to BC Ferries.  They do 90 percent of it, that’s Ottawa, eight percent for the rest of BC, and two percent for the Island.  Then we would be able to substantially reduce or even eliminate the fares for passengers and freight.”

The Vancouver Island Party would also work to eliminate post secondary tuition, expand commuter rail and turn Nanaimo into a hub for the high tech sector.