3 Tips to Build Any Relationship

Feb 22, 2011 | 6:33 AM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited

Everyone wants the same to things in life; to be healthy and to be happy.  Some people want a lot more than that, but essentially, after our basic needs are met – we want those two things.

Rich, fulfilling relationships contribute to both your health and your happiness, so it is definitely worth investing a little time, energy and even money into this.

This weekend I took my daughters to Mother-Daughter Camp out in the Lake of the Woods (a beautiful provincial park about 2 hours from our home). This was our 5th year to attend this special weekend, and with the girls at the ripe old ages of 17 and 19 – I am filled with gratitude that they are still willing to go – even if it means leaving their boyfriends, taking time of work etc.  Even though I do have to ‘bribe them” (the each invite a friend and her Mom to come), it is still a special and sacred time together.

The weekend is full of cross-country skiing, tubing, snowshoeing and other winter activities, fabulous food, crafts, speakers and of course, ‘down time.’  We sleep in rustic cabins, on shaky bunks, hunker down in our mummy-type sleeping bags.  We stay up late, eat too much, fall down a lot, giggle and play.

Mother-Daughter camp may not be your ‘thing,’  it may not be the relationship you want to work on right now, but perhaps it will inspire you to consider these 3 things to improve any  relationship:

  1. Create a ritual, a tradition, something that happens rarely but regularly.  Have it be something special, something different, something you can look forward to.
  2. Carve out time away from the norm.  Pick a spot away from phones, business, cleaning, pressures, so you can fully be where you are and with who you are with.
  3. Choose to single out  one person or persons for this.  There is so much we do with everyone; special 1:1 time is precious and rare.  Let them know they are worth it by devoting time to only them now and then.

I am convinced that doing this will positively affect your health and happiness and very likely theirs too!

At least that’s how it looks to me.

I’m Stephanie Staples, encouraging you to live Your Life, Unlimited!

The post 3 Tips to Build Any Relationship first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited