Nanaimo Recycling Exchange will close without increase in City funding
NANAIMO — A last ditch effort will be made by the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange for City of Nanaimo funding to avoid closing the doors for good.
NRE excutive director Jan Hastings told NanaimoNewsNOW they’ll formally request $200,000 in annual funding at next Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting.
“The $200,000 we’re going to ask the City for is the make it or break it amount,” Hastings said. “That will determine whether there is a future for the NRE or if we close.”
The NRE’s lease expires at its current deteriorating Kenworth Rd. facility at the end of March and Hastings said no more extensions will be granted. The NRE owns land next door, but has long struggled to secure the capital funding required to build a new home there.