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Man sentenced after dangerous stand-off with Nanaimo Mounties

Jan 18, 2018 | 5:35 PM

NANAIMO — A sentence has been issued to a Nanaimo man who pleaded guilty to a range of crimes, including a dangerous stand-off with police metres from a playground.

During a Provincial Court sentencing hearing in Nanaimo on Thursday, Kym Arkell, 33, was given 21 days in jail, followed by an order to live at a south Nanaimo supervised group house and two years probation. He pleaded guilty to three charges, including uttering threats.

Court heard Arkell was wanted last August when a local RCMP officer tried to arrest him near Beban Park.

Arkell suddenly pulled out an eight-inch knife, squared off with the officer and threatened to kill him. Court heard Arkell then demanded the Mountie shoot him, claiming he had a pipe bomb which turned out to be his cell phone.

After Arkell ran towards the Participark, a second officer came from behind and safely took Arkell down.

The incident drew a strong reaction from the community, as Mounties were seen in broad daylight with guns pulled on Arkell not far from the Altrusa playground.

Crown prosecutor Nick Barber said Arkell’s life was on the line.

“Extremely dangerous situation for Mr. Arkell. We do see those kind of incidents from time-to-time…Terrible repercussions for any police officer who’s involved in that.”

Arkell’s lawyer James Wright credited Nanaimo RCMP for how they handled the situation.

“It’s a good thing that the police in this town know him and we’re thankful for their good sense and their professional discipline,” Wright said.

Court heard Arkell also broke into a Nanaimo home on June 25, 2017 and two months later threatened a couple with bear spray on a north-end street after they questioned him about a vehicle break-in.

Substance abuse and Arkell’s mental health were referenced as issues he’s plagued by.

Barber said Arkell will live at the group home, which is supervised overnight, for an indefinite period of time.

Arkel was in jail since last August and was given credit for time served.



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