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BBQ aiming to fill Nanaimo’s homeless and low-income families with hope

Jun 23, 2017 | 12:56 AM

NANAIMO — An upcoming free lunch for Nanaimo’s homeless and low income families wants to do more than feed the hungry.

The Spring Fling BBQ and pig roast, hosted by the Nob Hill Community Association on Saturday, June 24 in Deverill Park, is trying to put a face to the statistics of those who fatally overdose in Nanaimo.

A memorial tree, honouring those who have fatally overdosed in Nanaimo in recent years, will be unveiled. Organizer Tanya Hiltz said already more than 30 names will be on the tree.

“They may be addicts, but we still have to think of the loved ones who have lost them and recognize them too,” she said. “A lot of (the families) don’t have closure yet.”

This is the second meal hosted by the association. Their first was a Christmas feast in December where more than 300 people turned out.

Hiltz said she considered making opening remarks at the fundraiser herself, but found the prospect overwhelmingly emotional.

Instead, Mayor Bill McKay, who attended the previous Christmas dinner, will speak.

“I’m absolutely floored by the amount of effort put into this event to make life better for just one day for the less fortunate,” he said.

McKay said he thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas dinner, talking with volunteers and attendees, and he was looking forward to speaking with everyone in the community again.

“I’m really proud of this group for doing what they’re doing to help out.”

The meal gets underway at 12 p.m. on Saturday and also includes live music.



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