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New Habitat for Humanity homes mark different approach for mid-island chapter

Aug 19, 2016 | 10:52 AM

NANAIMO — The future for two families looks much brighter thanks to Habitat for Humanity Mid-Vancouver Island.

The charity that builds affordable, interest free mortgaged homes for families, has completed a pair of houses side-by-side in south Nanaimo on Extension Road.

Rob Hallam, executive director of the local Habitat chapter, says typically they build smaller two-bedroom homes, but says these new ones have three and four bedrooms.

“In the past the focus has been on smaller units and there was a need expressed in the community for affordable housing for families larger in size, so we specifically geared this development to that particular niche of need in the community,” says Hallam.

He says the Denby and Pearce-Bacon families are expected to move into their new homes within a couple weeks.

The Extension Road builds are the first of six Habitat homes to be built to accommodate larger families, according to Hallam.

He says construction is slated to begin in December for the next two.

“The next phase will have two, four-bedroom houses and the final phase will have a three-bedroom house and a house that will be built for handicap accessibility.”

The two new homes mark the 16th and 17th homes built by Habitat for Humanity Mid-Vancouver Island since the charity was established locally in 2001.

Hallam expects construction of their next two homes on Extension Road will get started next fall and be done by December, 2017.

He says they will comfortably surpass an original goal of building twenty homes by 2020.