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A province-wide campfire ban took effect on Wednesday, July 30 at 12 p.m. The Ban is expected to remain in place until Oct. 15. (file photo/The Canadian Press)
high heat

Province-wide campfire ban now in effect

Jun 30, 2021 | 11:40 AM

NANAIMO — Campfires are now banned province-wide as record-breaking heat rapidly elevated the forest fire risk in B.C.

The BC Wildfire Service order took effect on Wednesday, June 30 at noon and is expected to remain in place until Oct. 15.

Coastal Fire Centre fire information officer Dorthe Jakobsen told NanaimoNewsNOW a dry spring and extremely dry and hot end to June has officials on edge.

“We are hoping for some weather to return to something more seasonal in the next few weeks, it is giving us lots of think about here at the start of fire season,” Jakobsen said.

Forest floors are extremely dry and could easily ignite significant wildfires, Jakobsen noted.

“The fire danger rating is high to extreme in the Coastal Fire Centre area and the spots of extreme are increasing.”

The Nanaimo area’s fire danger rating is currently listed as extreme.

A lengthy campfire ban this year is a stark contrast to the previous two years in the Coastal Fire Centre where the high profile order was avoided.

Jakobsen said people have done a good job limiting the number of person caused fires in the Coastal Fire Centre so far this season, noting no significant wildfires in the mid island region have occurred so far.

On top of the campfire ban, Category 2 and 3 open fires are banned, as are fireworks and all other forms of fires with the exception of outdoor stoves and portable campfires marked with CSA or ULC approval.

People disobeying open burning bans could be issued a violation ticket of $1,150, or face much more severe penalties if a wildfire is ignited.

The BC Wildfire Service noted an active enforcement presence is being enacted amid extremely hot and dry conditions.

The campfire ban is applied as campgrounds are in high demand with COVID travel restrictions eased in recent weeks.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire, or open burning violation, call toll free 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell phone.

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